Jun P. Espina         4 min read

Updated on November 19th, 2022

biblical-blueprint-keep-familyKeep the Family. Of the five books I had written so far, this one, The Biblical Blueprint to Keep the Family, touched me deeply because of the Globalists’ agenda to abolish the family. I love my family, and I would love to see my grandchildren establish their own loving and close families. But the Globalists, the Luciferians, are stubbornly determined to abolish the family, traditional culture, and the Christian religion. The more I researched “saving the family from radical leftism,” the more I got exposed to the evils of famous state leaders, politicians, the United Nations, and other entities or secret societies such as the Illuminati. They are the principal actors in the agenda to abolish the family.




Read also: The Biblical Blueprint to Keep the Family: Saving the Family from Radical Leftism

In Chapter 10 of this paper, I found the following relevant quote:

Kimberly Ells, author of “The Invincible Family,” worked with the United Nations, where she learned that the U.N. supports an anti-family agenda. She saw one document about young children’s sexuality, as if sexual pleasure were a human right for them. This move ties in with Paul Kengor’s observation that gay marriage is the Left’s Trojan Horse to destroy the family. 1

Exploring the Internet, we will find tons of evidence that the abolition of the family is serious business for those demon-controlled people running the world. These Elite Globalists will take action in favor of everything considered hateful, even from the standpoint of common sense.

You can connect the dots.

Consider open borders, Islamization, climate change, Feminism, LGBTQ, gender dysphoria, radical leftism on campuses, socialism, political correctness, same-sex marriage, wokeism, Black Lives Matter, ANTIFA, the world’s depopulation, the Illuminati, the New World Order, the Democrats, and so on—all of these are working together (under one demonic mind) to destroy Christianity, the family, culture, and the entire human race in general.

“Woe to the rebellious children,” declares the LORD, “Who execute a plan, but not Mine, And make an alliance, but not of My Spirit, In order to add sin to sin.” (Is. 30:1)

The Family and the Bible

biblical-blueprint-keep-familyFor the book’s introduction, I wrote,

As it grows older and gets more civilized, the world steps farther and farther away from God. When the government funds abortion clinics and throws the Bible out of public schools, the people have just declared their hatred toward our Creator.

This book underscores the word biblical because that is what we need. We need to return to the Bible. This material will be “toxic” to liberals and atheists. I just don’t care if they are offended.

Truth offends!

Let them celebrate the virtues of their political correctness. I will continue to write for God and His truths, rather than cowering to leftism and its radical tentacles.

Christianity builds freedom-loving societies, whereas leftism only manufactures communism, mass murders as with Mao’s “Cultural Revolution,” and more godlessness.

One word defines this work aside from “biblical.” It is “sacredness.” The dictionary defines the word “sacred” as “secured against violation, infringement, etc., as by reverence or sense of right: sacred oaths; sacred rights.”

In short, the biblical family is sacred. We covered various family-related topics in this book, and each chapter starts with the word “biblical” to point out our thesis that the biblical family is sacred and Christ-glorifying.

Most people don’t get the idea that life is God-given, therefore it is sacred. Since love, marriage, children, and the family are tied to life, they are, therefore, sacred or “secured against violation.”

If you violate your marriage, your children, wife, or husband, it is because you don’t understand the biblical decree that “He who digs a pit will fall into it.” (Prov. 26:27a)

Divorce, according to Christ, results from “hardness of heart.”

Our Lord said,

“For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh? So they are no longer two, but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let no man separate.” They said to Him, “Why then did Moses command to give her a certificate of divorce and send her away?” He said to them, “Because of your hardness of heart Moses permitted you to divorce your wives; but from the beginning it has not been this way. And I say to you, whoever divorces his wife, except for immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery.” (Matt. 19:5-9)

Is there one madman who will celebrate with his friends after having divorced his wife, who is not immoral, and then he will become cold, without feelings, and without a sudden qualm of conscience?

There is sanctity embedded in the family fabric because it is connected to life and because God Himself invented it.

Read also: We Need to Know More About the Born-Again Experience




I want to give these three eBooks away as a FREE DOWNLOAD for a limited time before they are published. The book, “14 TIPS TO PROMOTE LOVE & FAMILY HARMONY: Family Focus Made Simple,” will be released first.
17 Essential Principles to Live By
:17 Essential Principles to Live By: Rules for Happiness in the Race of Life
the safest route to eternal bliss
Safest Route to Eternal Bliss: Exploring the Truth About Christ’s Promised Eternal Life



free ebook
This book contains 93 pages (5″ x 8″) and 15,900 words (font-size: 12 px). Its file size is 1 MB. Soon to be finished for FREE DOWNLOAD.
“No one dares to claim a cure-all therapy for love and family conundrums. This material intends to provide some Christian perspectives that are defamed by people’s natural animosity toward everything biblical. Somehow, this book, ’14 TIPS TO PROMOTE LOVE & FAMILY HARMONY: Family Focus Made Simple,’ may reach God-seeking hearts, who believe there is an element of mystery and divinity in this God-given gift called ‘life.'”



1Jun P. Espina, The Biblical Blueprint to Keep the Family: Saving the Family from Radical Leftism (Happyprime Corporation, Philippines, 2021), p. 84.

About Jun P. Espina

Jun P. Espina loves nature, music, painting, and poetry, but couldn’t find inner joy during his first 27 years of life. After his father’s death, he taught in college and met religious friends who couldn’t satisfy his search for meaning. In 1984, he was converted to the biblical Christian faith. He married his girlfriend, Virgie, the following year—God blessed them with three children—and served Christ as a believer in different spaces of the Christian ministry. After over 30 years of orthodox Christianity, he wrote a few Christian eBooks in his home in Davao City. Sometimes his four little grandchildren played with their smartphones by his side. Find him on Facebook, Twitter, or at

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