How to Do Daily Jesus Prayers | Start Your Day with God

Jun P. Espina&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp7 min read Updated on July 18th, 2024 The following was a YouTube post about Daily Jesus Prayers.     Daily Jesus Prayers Heavenly Father, I pray that you will save me today from the dark forces that are actively ruining this world. As written by the apostle Paul in Ephesians 6, “For … Read more



Why is it that so many bright people trust in Christ for their eternal future? The biblical answer is that they received Christ’s Spirit after believing in Him. The apostle said, “And when you believed in Christ, he identified you as his own by giving you the Holy Spirit, whom he promised long ago.

Free eBook Downloads

free ebook

Jun P. Espina         1 min read

Written on November 19, 2022

Let Us Help Spread the Message

This site intends to give away free eBook and audiobook downloads regularly if time permits me to do so. As a born-again Christian, my goal is to share Christ’s gospel with the world, and the Internet helps me do just that. The tagline of this website,, is “Find a Quick Way to a Peaceful Life.” That is the message I have pledged to spread, which is the Word of Christ for everyone since He is the Way to peace and eternal life.

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What if COVID-19 would his and kill us this year? The year 2021 is riskier than other years in our lifetime. Big governments tell us that. True or not, we must prepare spiritually for any eventuality. We could be hit anytime since COVID-19 is unseen—it is unpredictable as lightning particularly in countries with poor hospital equipment and resources. Where shall we go should this virus put us to sleep forever? The first question which a sensible old person—taking maintenance drug—should ask while in the hospital bed is, “Can I get out of this place alive?”

Our Source of Strength in this Life

source of strength

The diseases that come along with aging continue to warn our souls of the impending death lurking around the corner. This realization causes spiritual shaking in our souls. Our coming death sums up our weak bottom before God. Thus, we need a genuine source of strength that is not from this world, and that source is Jesus Christ, for He said, “My grace is sufficient for thee.”



Jun P. Espina         1 min read

Updated on November 19th, 2022

biblical-blueprint-keep-familyKeep the Family. Of the five books I had written so far, this one, The Biblical Blueprint to Keep the Family, touched me deeply because of the Globalists’ agenda to abolish the family. I love my family, and I would love to see my grandchildren establish their own loving and close families. But the Globalists, the Luciferians, are stubbornly determined to abolish the family, traditional culture, and the Christian religion. The more I researched “saving the family from radical leftism,” the more I got exposed to the evils of famous state leaders, politicians, the United Nations, and other entities or secret societies such as the Illuminati. They are the principal actors in the agenda to abolish the family.

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The Christian Doctrine of Finding True Happiness


But since the birth of Christianity, the true followers of our Lord have experienced this Christian doctrine of Spirit-caused calmness of the soul. They wrote songs and hymns hundreds of years ago with the same lyrical subject of joy in the Lord, and churches have used them in their services until now.

Things You Need to Know About Finding Happiness in Life

finding happiness in life

Jun P. Espina         2 min read

Updated on November 19th, 2022

Finding Happiness in Life as Promised by our Lord

Christian rejoicings, even in times of sorrow, are flooding the Internet through websites, social quotes, poetry, or graphic images. Genuine Christ-followers reported greater inner peace and fulfillment. Born-again Christians are finding happiness in life as promised by our Lord. It explains Paul’s cadence of the word “rejoice” in Philippians 4:4: “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice!”

Thousands of Christ’s followers were persecuted, some even beheaded, by ISIS, for example, but the former didn’t recant or join Islam. Instead, their love for the risen Jesus grew.

Christ’s presence in the heart has made Christianity different and unparalleled. “Therefore if anyone is in Christ,” wrote the Apostle Paul, “he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come.” (2 Cor. 5:17)

Let unbelievers mock or cast insults upon the name of Christ by harassing and victimizing His followers. But even amidst persecution, born-again Christians increased in number, even in Middle Eastern countries where the Bible is banned.

Finding happiness in life is possible with Christianity. The Scriptures speak about higher levels of peace and happiness in the Lord. But you need to seek Christ sincerely as one seeking help in an hour of disaster. You need to search in your heart for the Spirit of the Founder of the Christian faith, Jesus Christ, our Lord.

The apostle Paul wrote, “However, you are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you. But if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Him.” (Rom. 8:9)

Finding happiness in life is thought to correlate with marrying a lovely and wealthy wife, enjoying good health, and landing a high-paying job. But this notion does not ring true when you lose your wife, or are demoted from your job, or are diagnosed with a fatal illness. The path to finding happiness in life always turns away from the valley of worldly possessions.

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