How to Do Daily Jesus Prayers | Start Your Day with God

Jun P. Espina&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp7 min read Updated on July 18th, 2024 The following was a YouTube post about Daily Jesus Prayers.     Daily Jesus Prayers Heavenly Father, I pray that you will save me today from the dark forces that are actively ruining this world. As written by the apostle Paul in Ephesians 6, “For … Read more

Free eBook Downloads

free ebook

Jun P. Espina         1 min read

Written on November 19, 2022

Let Us Help Spread the Message

This site intends to give away free eBook and audiobook downloads regularly if time permits me to do so. As a born-again Christian, my goal is to share Christ’s gospel with the world, and the Internet helps me do just that. The tagline of this website,, is “Find a Quick Way to a Peaceful Life.” That is the message I have pledged to spread, which is the Word of Christ for everyone since He is the Way to peace and eternal life.

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What if COVID-19 would his and kill us this year? The year 2021 is riskier than other years in our lifetime. Big governments tell us that. True or not, we must prepare spiritually for any eventuality. We could be hit anytime since COVID-19 is unseen—it is unpredictable as lightning particularly in countries with poor hospital equipment and resources. Where shall we go should this virus put us to sleep forever? The first question which a sensible old person—taking maintenance drug—should ask while in the hospital bed is, “Can I get out of this place alive?”

Our Source of Strength in this Life

source of strength

The diseases that come along with aging continue to warn our souls of the impending death lurking around the corner. This realization causes spiritual shaking in our souls. Our coming death sums up our weak bottom before God. Thus, we need a genuine source of strength that is not from this world, and that source is Jesus Christ, for He said, “My grace is sufficient for thee.”

The Meaning of Life and How Every Minute Counts


Jun P. Espina         1 min read

Updated on November 18th, 2022

Your Fame and Pleasures Do Not Define the Meaning of Life ▸

The real meaning of life lies in its perpetual nature—its permanence and everlastingness. Christ came to prove our bodies’ resurrection after death. Both our souls and bodies were created to last forever. Life, therefore, is not pleasure, achievement, fame, travel, good health, longevity, or other similar matters we experience since all these will pass away. Rather, it is how we can defeat hell—our natural home after death, given our lack of interest in heaven and the things of God! It is how we can be forgiven and saved; it is how to enter heaven and live there forever together with Abraham, Jacob, the angels of God, and Jesus Christ, our Lord. Life’s meaning is our immortality! Anything less than that is worthless (not worth spending all our time and strength on!) because of death.

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Overcoming Adversities by the Power of God


Jun P. Espina         1 min read

Updated on November 20th, 2022

Overcoming Adversities by the Power of God: An Exposition on the Triumphant Existence of the Godly People as Outlined in the Holy Scriptures.



Let’s Beat Our Adversities


Your life runs on a guiding principle that you may not be interested in fixing or discarding altogether. Life is God-given, and He alone can beautify it. Proverbs 14:12 says: “There is a way which seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death.” “There is a way” or Guiding Principle that is essential to the joyous fulfillment of our life journey. This 277-page book, “Overcoming Adversities by the Power of God,” seeks to give the reader the wisdom to understand life’s circumstances and ordeals and how to beat our sufferings with the wisdom of the Good Book.

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